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Blogs about shoes
Read the latest articles on feet, running and footware
Jacob Tober
Do Calf Raises Help Shin Splints?
calf raises can help with treating shin splints but they are only a start, This post provides a more effective and complete solution to shin splints.
Jacob Tober
Stretches for Shin Splints
The right targeted stretches can be really helpful as part of a shin splint rehabilitation or prevention program, these are some of my favourite.
Jacob Tober
Nine physical traits that prove humans were born to run
Humans may not be the fastest or strongest animals in the world but our ability to run for miles and miles is a unique trait that gave us a competitive advantage in some pre-historic circumstance.
Jacob Tober
Shoes for lifting: what is the best Shoe for training in the gym
So far the shoe conversation has been centred primarily around straight line running, but what's the best option when it comes to lifting shoes?
Jacob Tober
How to Run Faster: Tips for Injury Free Effortless Running
Today's modern running shoe makes it possible for anyone to just throw on a pair, pound the pavement and call themselves an athlete.
Jacob Tober
Why aren’t shoes shaped like feet? A history of shoes
Feet are naturally wide and strong, but why aren't shoes shaped like feet? Here's the history of shoes
Jacob Tober
Running Program for Transitioning to Barefoot Shoes (Minimalist/Zero Drop)
We strongly believe that for the majority of people making a transition to spending some, or most of your time in a minimalist or barefoot shoe can have a profound effect on injury risk, performance and general postural health.
Jacob Tober
Are Roches Killing Your Athleticism?
We all intuitively know that high heels are bad for our posture, and the effects flow up the entire kinetic chain. What most people miss is that nearly everyone is wearing some form of heeled shoe for most part of every day.
Jacob Tober
Heel strike running | The Problems with a Heel Strike
Do you run with a heel strike running, it might be slowing you down, and exposing you to injury risk.
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