Athletic Performance for Schools and Clubs

Fast and effective performance testing
Our proprietary athletic performance testing suit is engaging for athletes, and delivers understandable custom reports to help coaches, parents, and administrators.
Speed & Agility
Power & Strength
Work Capacity
Anthropometry & Mobility
Whether at our High Performance Centre in south eastern Melbourne or at your home facility, Core Advantage will conduct a battery of athletic tests to capture a profile of your team's strengths and weaknesses.
Our reports put your athletes' results in context delivering individual and group analysis to uncover progress, areas for improvement, and comparisons to elite standards.
Testing is not just about the data though. Our team of experienced athletic development coaches will also educate your athletes to help them understand the relevance of each test, and tips to improve their athleticism.
With experience in precision testing at all levels we can fully customise an event for your club or school based on the unique needs, ages, and skill level.

Athletic performance workshops
Take athletes, parents, or coaches through engaging workshops on important areas of physical development and athletic preparation.

Mental Game

High performance program management
Deliver top-end programs to large groups without the time and cost of hiring additional staff at your club or school.
Expertise on-demand
Running a high performance program for a school or across a club can be incredibly expensive. With Core Advantage you can leverage our expertise for a fraction of the cost.
Access to Allied Health
Our in-house physiotherapists are available to create a robust and fully encompassing high performance program that increases your teams game availability.
Conditioning load monitoring
Leveraging your training and game data, Core Advantage can provide load monitoring analysis to inform coaches and key staff before they make critical planning decisions.
Return to play
Injured athletes can be triaged and supported back to the field with the help of a dedicated team and high continuity.
Player education
On-board students or athletes every season to ensure high compliance with best practices.
Strength, speed, and power
On-field or on-court blocks through the season can be designed to enhance sport specific performance factors.